
Dear Writers, I"m compiling the first in what I hope is a series of publications I"m calling ARTISTS AMONG ARTISTS. The theme for ISSUE 1 is " Faggot Dinosaur. " I hope to hear from you! Thank you and best wishes.
— Ali, editor, Artists among Artists

I think that I shall never fear
a brontosaurus that is queer,

iguanodon as fetisheer,
a mammoth bringing up the rear,
an astrodon with extra gear,

metrosexual squirrel and deer,
a breeder with a dance career,
a fruit with cauliflower ear,

a lesbianic Chanticleer,
a grinning limpish-wristed Lear,
the weird one or the mutineer,

but those who perfectly adhere,
stay clear, stay clear, stay clear, stay clear.
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