Stanzas occasion'd by reading Mr. Pope's Imitation of Horace, Book IV. Ode I

While POPE to Friendship consecrates the Lyre,
The Loves to hear the Notes assembled throng:
And with the softness of renew'd desire,
Inflame the dear re-animated Song:
Unrivall'd Bard! — the kindly task forbear,
The Youth before had worth enough to boast;
You ORPHEUS-like, but raise the Syren air;
The British Nymphs approach! — Your Friend is lost.
Hard fate! a praise so wish'd as yours to shun,
Or by the fair Encomium risque to be undone.

But oh I err! — and M—Y must forgive
A fame that brings such unexampled bliss.
To love is sure the noblest way to live:
Grandeur and wealth are toys compar'd to this.
Descend, dear Youth! the shining guest await;
For beauty's Queen the roseate bower prepare:
Let her gay smiles adorn thy rising fate,
And soften all the pomp of future care:
And, like ADONIS, boast the envy'd pow'r,
To charm the wise and fair — which POPE must charm no more.

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