The Bird Pierced by an Arrow
O bird! deprived of nest, and pierced
by an arrow in thy tender bosom!
How and where should I keep thee
from harm?
Where, tell me where dost thou feel pain?
Blinded by tears I fail to see anything.....
O my treasure! Thou shouldst not
misunderstand me
It is not within my powers to allay the pain
a my Bird pierced in the tender bosom
by an arrow!
How and where may I keep thee under protection?
With a poisoned arrow in thy bosom
dost thou now fall and flutter?
Who led thee, alas, to the door of this
unhappy woman?
Dost thou think that relief of thy pain
lies concealed in my abode?
O my Bird with an arrow imbedded
in the tender bosom!
How and where may I give thee protection?
Alas! This is no fit place for thy relief!
Clouds thunder, winds howl, my cottage trembles
My lamp is extinguished and doors are broken by storms,
The endless wails of the night of sorrow roar
from time to time in the bosom
O my Bird with an arrow embedded,
in the tender bosom,
Amid such inclement weather where
may I keep thee concealed?
My child, death embraces him who
comes to this powerless woman's
door calling her 'mother'!
I lose my 'treasure as many times
as I get it
So my heart trembles in fear last
thou shouldst forsake me
O my lost treasure! O my Bird!
How and where may protect thee?
O my Paradise regained!
I do at once recognize thee, let me hold
thee on my breast for some time
Others may not take thee on their
Lap seeing thy bosom pierced by an arrow,
But how can thy ever-loving Mother
forsake thee lest she lose thee?
O my Bird with an arrow embedded in the tender
How and where may I harbour thee?
This is indeed thy ever known love!
Thou art no gust of old to me.
Thou hast adorned this house from
time to time under different names.
Let thy remaining days, my Child.
repose in this mother's breast
Can one who was thy mother at thy
creation keep thee away from her heart?
To lose thee? O my fond Child!
That is but an illusion! .
[Translation: Abdul Hakim]
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