The anxieties of a widow


May stretched its legs into grave.
The thunder heralds the rains.
A hut on the bank of Kanoli canal
is not re-thatched this year.
Her infant’s illness made the doctor gay
with all the wages she had kept.
Summer takes the last breath,
but the coconut leaf thatched roof
is not re-thatched this year.

As the widow stands on the threshold,
the rain clouds gather over her sky,
and the wind scatters terror in her corridor.
Will the tattered roof be flown away?
Will the rain drops make pores
on the roof of her life?
Where will her child crawl and smile?
Question waves are thus getting high;
her canoe is ready to be tossed.

(Summer ends in May, and Monsoon begins in June in Kerala)

This poem won Poetry Soup International Award, US, in 2012.
The British Council and Pear tree Press, US have printed and
published this poem)