Your body, drenched by the unforgiving sun
And masculine flesh, softened by angular grains of sand
Warm me now, completely---
A product of Old Morocco, from Tangier.
Persian royalty in our midst.
My mind's eye
Sees your dazzling, jeweled crown
With rubies and emeralds circling your cap of hair.
The deep-dark stubble on your chin
Stand at feigned attention
Like those dusty, terracotta soldiers of a forgotten time.
Mesmerized, you take lingering sips of me
Graze my pink petal-flesh
While I watch tiny rivulets of sweat roll down your back.
You hold your breath a beat, waiting
Hear the soft, sad melody, reminiscent of Lady Saigon
Played on that "solo saxophone"
That is sweet and bittersweet like a wine that has past its prime.
You ride this brand new journey with me
An ethereal, unexpected, but fated melding
Of my broken world, and your priviledged one.
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