Evening Neuronic Misfire

Evening neuronic misfire… and pardon my French…
Frayed dendridic amalgamated pondering
of fruitless foraging on a Friday wandering.
The fifth line missing
As the symphony plays off in the background overhead.
I find myself rapping away on broken glass face
fighting the cloud that doesn’t seem to want to let me continue
my spontaneous rant of ADD driven thoughts that only
coalesce when I take the time to bang them out.
Barnes and Noble overload
and Fred wonders off into the stacks.
Reckon after several laps
Enough books in my possession perhaps
to keep me busy for the rest of my natural born life.
And to what end really?
What difference would it make to acquire one more?
If nothing else, I am well rounded.
What possibly could I learn that is new when nothing is.
Everywhere around I look, just one more panacean hook
tenaciously tempting my resolve to hold fast  
to my very hard-earned scrapings of a living.
Fuck you iCloud!! I know I have enough room!! And NO Apple,
I do not want to fucking update my operating system!!
Isn’t this one good enough?
Pop fractured polish once soft to the touch
Now with crush strain rainbow liquid crystal pressure point spiders
for every letter summoned to the surface.
Sorry iPhone…you’ve been good to me.
Mirthless motion onward.
Now I stand in another big box
full of determined blue drones attempting to make conversation
in order to sense the tiniest hint of interest
in parting with the pittance in my pocket.
Fred wanders off into fathoms of flat screen glow
in search of the magic.
Overhead lights dim for those still trapped inside
to hurry up and come to terms, with the final decision.
Extended financed efficiency for the latest and greatest of technological wonders
none of which is truly essential.
Don’t be lost when the time comes
you won’t want to miss the life for which we are all truly seeking.
As for now, I stare breathless at 10G MSRP
78 inch million pixel arc of kaleidoscope color euphoria
sheer mystical ecstasy trance indulgence.
Who needs a crappy week long vacation when anywhere but here is the destination  
in larger than life super-spectral ultra hi-definition feet in recline position
Popcorn bowl in hand. 
Another blue shirt walks by and tells me to take a hike if I’m not parting with my salary.
Fred mutters about some previously undiscovered item that claims to be revolutionary.
If we could only figure out the numbers, we’d have it all.
Stroll out the armed electronic garden gate, folded billfold behind tucked under
Tortured blue 5c in hand and my damaged dignity collected.
Into the night Fastrac chocolate shake delight
Cheap heaven to ease consumer tension
Worth every bit of 384 pocket ascension
and 540 cal-ding pleasure push to send us over
the 390 highway drive-down to déjà vus.
Arresto Momentum