As I plucked my feet from my sorry soapbox
n' gazed from outside myself at my
infuriated rants
I wondered if I could pull my head out of
HisStory n' beautify n' modernize
hanging up the knicker bockers
n' slapping on big boy pants?
But would it be me in comfortability
in the accepted color block of pale blue
dress shirt n' beige Dockers n' $99 dollar
sportjacket of itchy wool?
N' how would it be if I was crowned
in nerdability with an Andy Capp type hat
n' squared just right Drew Carey black rim
glasses-oh Huey Lewis might think is cool?
Perhaps I'd attract an upscale element
of female curiosity toning down image
of furiousity in 501 Levis n' black leather
jacket with cars n' guitars type of a T-shirt
Who knows maybe an image change
arrangeability would be all it would
take for me perhaps might even lead to something lasting
versus my flycasting flirt to hurt
N' while I'm at it could vanquish that doom n' gloom depictability with witch encounters
n' musical sorcerers n' hypnotic drone
of diesel engines n' then hone skill
of describing the airbrushed pink n' purplish
layered clouds of the western sunset
over Catalina that appear as inviting
as the female anatomy
Then in like one of those movies I'd forge on
with abandonability in a flint faced resolve
throwing out my past releasing my cords
to the mast n' floundering recklessly
entangled between opague flesh
n' wispy dancing long golden strands
n' newfound delightfully strange sensation
of brushing against a mosaic
of yellow n' green scales in tepid turquoise waters swirling in wheels
of indinstiguishable sensuality
As the final drips stopped
knowing into the chambers of hell
I'd be dropped from my liquid fantasy
n' preposterous ponderance of a makeover
I realized it may take the earth shaking
staggering like a drunken sailor on leave
to delve into any kind of a weave
So just for now I'm OK in my solaced retreat
lounging in my blue warm Dickies PJs
a slight chill in the air prompting me
to pull the Coleman 0 degree
drab Army green bag over my feet.
2-5-2017 Duncan R. M. Ferguson
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