Sweatpants and Curly Hair
A day fed with loose promises,
promises to bring forth a cup full of ecstatic electric life
In the form of wine,
a deep velvet entrances my senses until I’m falling over my heels
Drunken stupors pronouncing love in the form of forgotten letters
Written to girls in sweatpants with curly hair and good hearts
Too sweet for a mind so sour
Drowning in a sea of ale
A bitter endless swim
Swam uphill to fulfill some prophecy that promises dragonhood
In an image of her wearing my hoodie on an autumn morning
Fill my glass with a Russian elixir
meant to wipe motherboard minds of nights spent not sleeping until she comes to bed
After a midnight track of being overworked and underpaid.
Hot flashes can only be dowsed with the cool relief that absinthe brings
I’ve always liked Peter Pan, but never got to know his fairy
Never got to see how not growing up can be such a nuisance
Never got to live without seeing a beloved covered in a deep velvet
Never got to go without knowing that it was me
So I drink
I drown in flashes of her
She proves my nights hazy, but safe
On a gilded cloud of twisted guilt
Because I couldn’t relinquish my keys from my hubris
After one too many passed none
Wheels, engine, sweatpants, good hearts, curly hair and promises
Drown in alcohol infused oceans
Wave upon wave
Of kisses goodbye as she’s wheeled into an ambulance
Of metal hugging bark
Biting shards of scrap metal pierce the fog
Waking me up at home,
Feeling as dead as a girl with sweatpants and curly hair.
living with a hazy memory of pain