Beyond the Light
Beyond the Light
Your terrier’s wrathful racket
is aimed at a beast on the lawn
paused on its journey to dawn.
He longs to dash out and attack it.
Just look how the creature’s hind feet
sport thumbs like yours, while its tail
is as bare as a rat’s and as pale
as birch. You’ve a ringside seat
to regard this ghost from Antares—
and yet it is so much like you!
Is it merely moseying through
your garden to feast on the berries?
It creeps as it crept long ago
when this township was forest and glen,
where outlines of foraging men
slunk through Luna’s glow.
Its rosy snout, sharp in shape
and smell, is not nearly as keen
as the terrier’s. Pressed to the screen,
he watches the varmint escape
back to a realm all around you—
the realm of the owl and the bat,
the fox and the feral cat.
They enter your dreams and they hound you.
But as shadows grow shy and retreat,
you forget those weird thumbs, the gray hair,
that white face and oracular stare,
till you spot one (dead?) in the street.