I would never stop
Would you bring me towels to wipe away the courses of tears?
Would you be able to continually gaze at my tear-laden face for good?
Will it grab your attention and cause you to look towards my end?
Would they be kept in your bottle as a treasure?
Would you not rather ward my genuine tears off?
Would you not pretend not to see them?
Peradventure feign momentary blindness all in the name of avoiding me.
Do you think I would shed tears for nothing?
Doesn’t the pain deserve to be pushed out?
Ousted like an ineffective leader.
How I wished you knew the surge of hurt that boils on my inside,
Like an energy that could power the sad emotions of people like me,
That would revive their careers of mourning.
If you had known you would have stepped it down,
You would have detoxified them for they are like the venom of a cobra;
For your unconcerned behaviour left me, jaded.
They sent thorns through my fingers,
Like pricks in my eyes and needles in my garment
How I fail to break into mirth unspeakable;
For I heard nary a kind word from you,
Neither did you pour oil and wine upon my bleeding wounds,
However, I choose not to cry forever;
For my face is like the rising of the Sun.
My mother tells me, I would have been a Duchess in The U.K;
I laugh because of the regenerated wealth of joy in my heart,
The aura of peace despite the scattered fragments of that seemingly perfect picture you pained to me,
The puncture to the balloon we played with will not hurt me no more;
For I am convinced at this juncture of peace,
Like still waters on the inside,
I laugh so much;
For if I did stop I would cry and cry and cry,
I laugh because if I cry, I would never stop.