To those who were broken before they were bent:
I approach, reproaching your profound indolence.
"Socially Fit," perpetually recycling trite lies,
Donning impudence as your garb when it's all you can come by.
Transient Amusement's the magnet you keep;
You attract the unwilling, unoriginal, and weak.
But you, the fish monger upon sinuous shores,
which lay concretely abreast the Solvent unexplored,
You stand tall, striking boldly into the unknown,
And begin to wade into it which makes things start to flow.
Suddenly, your familiar boundaries begin to disappear
For your Solvent has made things so they're perfectly clear:
The Solvent- the Solution to cleansing your pollution
By purifying your actions, and condemning distractions.
The fact that you're even searching makes your nobility true,
Now you dissolve by way of what you say
So the Solution can be you.
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