Chinese Whispers
The soothsayer told
The brazier that he fathered
Nor daughter nor son
Then the brazier went
By smoke to Mount Olympus
To Hermes and said:
"The soothsayer had
Told me that the soothsayer
Wants his children gone"
Thus swift Hermes went
By Iris's arching back
Bounding for the sun
"The brazier" he spoke
"Has told me things about the
Old soothsayer's son
By smoke the brazier
Carried doom upon the wind
He will surely die"
So Apollo told
The old oracle to tell
The soothsayer's son
"Cold Lachesis is
Measuring your father's thread
Cut it while he sleeps"
Now Atropos was
Angered by the oracle
And the orphaned son
She went to Hades
Bode the earth be split in two
Under Delphi's throne
While the foolish son
Asked the oracle for more
Apollo chased for Daphne