oblate as the stenciled dusk
stark as a weathercock
trapped in rime
deceased as the sky after a storm
that diminishes all others
black and white and
gradations of payne's gray
as the checkerboard excavations
of a future city
on the far face of the moon
no titian red nor rubens rose
banish those cad yellows
and high saracen blues
forget burnt sienna and umber shades
slay evergreen in its odalisqued bed
and watch the bright blood flow
in chains of logic from its opened veins
for this is far pale clarity
in the dark's extension
this is pale certainty
etched in bone time
and stretched like a victim on the sand
this is ashen thought
coated in the high collar
of empiric degree
streets and houses shudder
in the wet achromatic light
like some huge crustacean
surfacing from the deep
the brine streaming in rivulets
from its chitinous hide
congeries of thunder detonate
and the waters of the harbor flail
in a ragged white-slashed array
to palpate the boats and jetties
that litter the shore like carnival debris
while beyond the span's arched severity
where once we traversed
from one world to another
and back again one more drop of light
aflow in the fiery throngs
boiling with anticipation
while our hollow cheeks and silken temples
creased with uncared for laughter
and we felt aged inevitable possibilities
raging and breaking in our brains
where you offered a meal of stray comestibles
drawn from the palette of your flesh
and the timbres of the rain
and I consumed this feast
as your feral stance consumed my taut emancipation
all the fine colors
flee like lightning bugs and soldiers
into noir illumination
into the sea's treacherous past
and night's pale disclosures
all the ripening memories prevail
blanched of their concomitant intent
and arch shades of variation
oblate as the stenciled dawn
stark as a stump's severed parity
Appeared as signed limited edition broadside, 125 copies, Quixsilver Press, January, 2002, reprinted in the 2003 Rhysling Anthology
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