Under these circumstances
the word never becomes quite a thing
I think never is over used
He never does this or she never thought that
It loses it’s sharp edges in the high drama of absolutes
But cast with this new light never becomes a blunt instrument
As it dispassionately reshapes how my mind defines it
Introducing me to the finality of its truth

I will never feel another one of your bear hugs
I will never get hit by a pillow you tossed at me with a laugh
I will never feel you rest your elbow atop my head- a clear taunt about my height
Or have you mess my hair then quickly dart out of arms reach
You won’t be at my sons birthdays or graduations or weddings
We won’t get to see the aurora borealis and stay in an igloo
Or talk about your perception of the universe and how it baffles me you get every question on Jeopardy right
All of these things went with you
These and a phrase that I took too much for granted ‘meet my big bro’

Yes, the word never becomes quite a thing when it’s properly defined



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