To fly high above
The running streams
From broken love
A world at peace
Without worry nor want
Forever a showpiece
Always a mere taunt
I'll always turn
Far away from this Neverland
I'll never return
To that sparkling wasteland
Forever a boy?
Forever at play?
Where's the joy?
A dreadful sioree...
I'll take my own
My mortality and bone
The greatest joy ever known
Is to reap what's been sewn
What use is eternal youth
When you spend it alone...
The real truth
Better than any gemstone
The one who makes you smile
When all you want's to cry
The one who'll walk the miles
Just to sing a lullaby
One who would go through hell
And fight your inner demons
Inhibitions lay to rest and quell
And last the seasons
Hold on to them
For they are truly one
They are truly the gem
Rival to none
So I'll take my mortality
My frailty and inevitability
As long as I can live in totality
And fight for tranquility
As long as I can endure
And live with the one of my dreams
A place my soul be moored
A perfect team
My neverland, you ask?
Is right beside you
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