Artistic Escapades
I wish to write beautiful melodies of you
Performed with voices so ambrosial, angels will watch the show
These words never before heard
It's underlying passion never witnessed
The only beauty compared to your song, is only you
I want to create great orchestras dedicated to you
The symphony performed would even cause God to applaud
The thunderous drums to the sweet violin
Every note will echo among the earth
The performance will be boisterous
And the band will play until there are no more notes
They will player for eternity in admiration of your beauty
I want great operas reserved for your achievements
You work will never be trumped by your beauty
This opera will ease the souls of those doomed
Even the devil will lift his ear to hear
The opera will end and the world shall weep
Amazed they all are, just by your story
I want to write a play so you can see your greatness
A play so perfect, Shakespeare himself is envious
Chaucer never saw such magnificence written out
And Lord Byron salutes the romance
This play would show you the mirror portal
Letting you see what the world is blessed to observe
I want to write poetry for you...
So complex for eons no one can decipher how I saw you so elegant
I want you in love with every metaphor
And to accept flowers from each simile
My synecdoche takes you on dates
While my verse sings you sweet songs
I want my poetry for you so magical
That it is only rumored to be existent
That no life believes this much passion could ever be written
I want my poetry to always remain in it's hyperbolic naïveté
That I am always a dreaming child when I write of you