Nature's Lesson
Black flies, horse flies, deer flies and mosquitoes
to them I am a tasty treat, like Cheetos or Doritos
I rub my skin with Insect Off and spray with DDT
but still the pesky insects love to make a meal of me.
My blood type's O - I must admit. A magnet draws them near.
But I'm not pregnant, don't wear black and never have a beer.
I tend the garden, water plants and drag out pesky weeds.
I pray to all the Nature gods - but not one even heeds
my fervent cries, I swat and howl. Why must they bite so much?
But then a pretty bird flies by. He tweets out, "That's my lunch!"
I get it! I am just a part of Nature's magic plan.
The bugs eat me and I eat steak that's fried up in a pan.
196th Weekly Poetry Contest