Oh wanderer of life.
Do you hear me?
Listen to my words so wise that even I wish I listened to myself in distant past.
Taste the air so crisp and clean.
Feel the grass so fresh and ever-roaming.
Make friends for secret keeping and never-ending laughter.
Walk where you dared not to travel.
Do what brings you smiles rather than paper filled wallets.
Fall in love with naked flesh ever tender and warm heart beating.
Oh wait, you cannot.
I forgot.
Back in the past you built a wall not even you can climb.
Who were you trying to keep out?
Or were you trying to keep yourself in?
No matter.
It is time for that wall to crumble and for dark moonlight shadows to forever be dammed
by the grace of sunlight eternal.
Go out there and enjoy the light that guides your path that was ever so barren and
Do not stray from road of pure hope ever so gentle, but firm, like a guiding hand.
Fill it with present actions that were influenced by yesterday memories so that promised
tomorrows shall await you.
Just save me a favor.
Do come back and tell me when you obtain all of that which you have dreamed of.
I too wish to be filled with inspiration.