Into each sunlight must alternate with shadow but at what angle? Given the sun’s rays are unbending and lose potency with each unknowable move how can one calculate the brightness, or the dark it creates?
Plot the path of rain from a cloud to an umbrella down to its neighbors’ squelching boot. Delineate the progress of water down into the earth through the caverns of its own design.
Chart her eyepath when she looks on her unable to find that for which she searches. His slanting gaze falls into that opaque pool which casts back a reflection’s reflection. The cat hunts and we see its eyes follow its prey ever alert in a dash of freezes and flights.
The constant hunter and the faithful prey leave tracks and traces sewing a stitch across a swollen globe.
The huntsman blows his horn and the hounds bay and this music is a series of waves that travel to the ears of the vital pack and through their bodies full of blood and their bodies carry this image home and it steams by the fireside and fills the room with its heat.
I superimpose my outline over every image, a million fragments merged into nothing.
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