Can I contain myself ?
Is latitude allowed as breaking wave,
meets babbling stream amidst the rounded pebbles.
20/20 vision in summation yet,
stunned by the heart's inability,
to cluster  what may one day vanish.
I swing  from tree to tree mesmerized, awestruck.
Writhing with deep emotions of enormous intensity.
Pent up dam caged in a lifeless zeitgeist.
Lovebird play nest stumbled on.
Shrieks of elation.
Emboldened  couple scatter like seagulls.
Distant scarecrow vies with lowing cattle.
Dirt farmer in dismay weaves a rustic smile,
whilst waving blistered hands compasslike.
Clued in traffic warden of the soil.
He spotted me but sadly looked away.
Maybe we sensed each other's tumult.
A loutish driver hurls a wicked jibe about my clothing.
Empty beer can framed a surreal arc across the sky.
Evanescent coarse cackle.
Hobbledehoy of the highway in top speed escape,
I kneel and weep beside the rivulet,
whose sun induced vapours, beg openly  for replenishment.
Perhaps the ocean deep within has found its final haunt



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