
when my heritage
  is ground to powder
  into status cocktails
  into capsules of medicinal myth

when my land’s reserve
  is smuggled over borders
our horn
  of plenty
  like a manufactured toy

when a wild beast
  hitches in the bush
its life-blood
  sunsetting the dust
a wire loop
  clenching the Zebra Moon

when a rhino
  lies crumpled on its sternum
that bulky god
  a gawping mess of meat
storm rain
  washing away what was a face

I don’t cry

this is my salt, my force, my game
  these are my veins
these are my animals
  this is my country, my nature, my pride

if I were to cry
 I would forsake my name
and these creatures neither speak
  nor cry

my eyes are dry as blades

my mother named me well