This poem is by John Carr LLD and NOT by Sir John Carr. The poem's title given by the author is "Derwent; an Ode". The Derwent is a river separating Durham and Northumberland in North East England. Various forms of the poem have been published. The complete poem has 40 verses. In this Ode Carr reflects nostalgically of his love for the River Derwent in North East England. The poem evokes a deep connection to nature. Wherever Carr  wandered as a child the river flowed gently by.  By this river Carr first began to sing simple unrefined songs inspired by the river’s natural beauty. Despite trees ageing and decaying, and the surroundings forever changing, Carr remembers the river banks as they were and the local people, who joyfully played there. Time passes, the physical landscapes change, but the shared moments of this joyful community lingered in his mind.


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