Many years ago, most schooldays were a blur
And for some, ideas of maturity was the spur
Yet for a few, it was only cats that would purr
As daily aggravation made every day so bleak
And of those times, finding it painful to speak
But character is built from all such experience
For most, schooldays all merged into the next
But not whenever seeing those muscles flexed
The cane in hand, for not having read the text
Knowing that one must yet again, return to it
Schooldays were like walking barefoot on grit
When so much was treated as if disobedience
With harsh discipline about as popular as war
Although there never was any blood and gore
Of course, it’s not anything like that anymore
Fear now arrives from a viscious online tweet
A potential threat from those one may meet
As all the soft rules compete with expedience
So one may wonder which might be preferred
But the voice of sensibility is only rarely heard
Now all’s conveyed in a different kind of word
Just softly spoken arguments against extremes
Reason might actually emerge at last, it seems
Yet only at some body’s political convenience
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