
The ground is untrusting, the floor is a lie,
It smiles, then swallows, then kisses goodbye.
A house built on whispers, a dream wrapped in thread,
Collapsing in silence, collapsing in dread.

The roads, they pretend, they mimic the past,
But step where it's hollow, and nothing will last.
The cracks are unnoticed, they widen, they grow,
A maw in the pavement that hungers below.

We walk with conviction on surfaces weak,
Believing stability lies in mystique.
Yet deep in the darkness, the caverns conspire,
The earth is a liar, the soil is fire.

And when it gives way, when gravity calls,
No warning, no mercy, no second it stalls.
The sinkhole is patient, the void never waits,
What stands on illusions is swallowed by fate.



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