
by ftzou

It’s one of the days I wonder if you actually care
If not, you’re doing a Damm good job as an actor
It’s possible, your best friend is
Your brother to his girlfriend is
You can’t help it, it’s how you’re raised
That’s why the first thirty minutes of you are hell
Your eyes wander to girls
You patronise me without a fear of me leaving you
You talk of people only to mock them
You act like a dictator at times
Why is none shocked?
Call me a goddess and behave like a fool
Eat like a pig and try to feast on me too
All love dovey till I make a comment on your behave
You probably won’t even read this
You’re going to kiss my words away
Words I thoroughly crafted to turn into a poem
Words I was raised to tell people I love
Words you betray me with day by day