With Islam as the Merchandise

With Islam as the merchandize
Has come the Merchant new!
O Ye ill-starred and sinners!
Come, And make your marketings anew!

All your life you have merely lpst
Now is the time for you to take the stock
He gives away Heavenly gifts
For a mere song. No profit he seeks!

The Quran's Ship is full of diamonds
Pearls, emeralds and precious stones!
Take these away, as you will,
And all your abodes you fill.

For kalima's trifle, this merchant gives
Shafaat's precious gifts
Worth the stocks of seven kings!
Take them quick, whosoever wills!

On the Market of Resurrection, those of you
Who would a gainful bargain make;
Should be this merchant's Customers,
And his seal of Shafaat take!

From Allah's Arsh he surely strayed
Into the city of Madina on earth.
Muhammad is his blessed name,
And his stock-in-trade: Allah the Great!

[Original in Bangla: Islamer-i sauda loye; Translation: Mizanur Rahman]

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