To — "The J. W. R. Literary Club"

Well, it's enough to turn his head to have a feller's name
Swiped with a Literary Club! — But you're the ones to blame! —
I call the World to witness that I never agged ye to it
By ever writin' Classic-like — because I couldn't do it:
I never run to " Hellicon, " ner writ about " Per-nas-sus, "
Ner ever tried to rack er ride around on old " P- gass us " !
When " Tuneful Nines " has cross'd my lines, the ink 'ud blot and blur it,
And pen 'ud jest putt back fer home, and take the short-way fer it!
And so, as I'm a-sayin', — when you name your L ITERARY
In honor o' this name o' mine, it's railly nessessary —
Whilse I'm a-thankin' you and all — to warn you, ef you do it,
I'll haf to jine the thing myse'f 'fore I can live up to it!
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