To Æmelia An Epistle No 1

To You Æmelia, lovely Virgin, sues
From her fair Mansion the Nassovian Muse
To You she dedicates her humble Lays
And asks your Friendship while She sings your Praise
While all around Creations fairest Part
The lovelier Sex from Wisdom's Road depart
The wild Commands of Vanity obey
And in dull Trifles waste their Time away
You led by Reason with the prudent few
Fair Truths delightfull flow'ry Paths pursue
On elevated Themes your Thoughts employ
And taste Delight none but the wise enjoy
Mere Toys engage the less considerate Fair
The little Arts of Dress are all their Care
Patches & Paint Rings Ruffles Lawn & Lace
Engross their Meditations at the Glass
There long they stand, impertinently gay
With vast delight their pretty Selves survey
Improve the Rosy Blush with studious Care
Compose the Topknot & adjust the Hair
Make every Charm in perfect Lustre rise
And learn to play the Lightning of their Eyes
But You Æmilia act a wiser Part
By Reason taught you've learn'd a nobler Art
Such Ornaments as these you cannot prize
Too well you know wherein true Beauty lies
A Library supplies the Toilettes Place
Knowledge your Dress & some fair Page your Glass
These give you Charms of a superior Kind
Th' exalted lasting Beauties of the mind
Hence tis your Converse every Bosom warms
And in your Person more than Beauty charms
While some t' amuse a thoughtless Hour demand
The painted Cards, a pen adorns your Hand
Fir'd by the Muse far nobler Joys you feel
Than thoughtless Miss at Ombre or Quadrille
But no vain Themes your raptur'd Tho'ts engage
Your Bosom glows not but with sacred Rage
To Virtue consecrated are your Fires
And Themes like these alone the Muse inspires
Love's wondrous Pow'r & Friendships gen'rous Flame
Fair Nassau Hall, & noble Belcher's Fame.
Go on Æmilia still pursue the Road
Renown'd Dacier and Philomela trod
Like them in Heav'n & Virtue's Cause engage
Instruct reform & entertain the Age.
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