To Æmilia No 5 -
Vast was the Joy my conscious Bosom knew
My Friend when your last Favour came to View
A Favour thro' a tedious Fortnight past
So much expected & obtain'd at last.
Less the delicious Dainties of a Feast
Regale the Senses of the famish'd Guest
Cool Fountains less refresh the thirsty Swain
Fatigu'd with Labour on the sunny Plain
Not half so chearing is the solar Ray
To the harsh Rigour of a Winter's Day
Nor half so gratefull fanning Breezes rise
When the hot Dogstar fires the summer Skies.
Nor are Applauses only sweet from you,
Your very Chiding is delightfull too;
But think not I perversely love t' offend
Or sport with the Resentment of my Friend
I prize your Favour at a Rate too dear
Nor dare I brave a Loss I can not bear.
But with such gracefull Kindness you reprove
E'en your Rebukes inspire Delight & Love.
You chide Æmilia & Palemon sues
And pleads his Trespass as his best Excuse
This proves his heart sincere, his Love unfeign'd
If false his Friendship he had n'eer complain'd
O then forgive while you his Fault reprove
The Fruit's Suspicion but the Root is Love.
Or if your Sentiments are so refin'd
You can't excuse Suspicions so unkind
Yet oh forgive in Pity to a Heart
That dreads Neglect, unconscious of Desert
And fears to lose, what all its Cares beguiles,
The chearing Sunshine of Æmilia's Smiles.
Know'st thou how strong the Ties, dear Friend, that joyn
This heart suspicious as it is to thine? —
While you erewhile by gen'rous Motives led
Attended Lucia on her lonely Bed
Sooth'd her Distresses with officious Care
Nor shun'd to breathe in pestilential Air
(While I expected your Return in vain)
Each Week of Absence was a Month of Pain
And while you too with vital Pain oppress'd
Afflicted lay & Nature found no Rest
While pensive Thoughts with your Disease combin'd
And gloomy Cares sat heavy on your Mind
Believe me, Friend with sympathetic Heart
In your Distress I bore a tender Part
With friendly Care & Tenderness unknown
I felt your Sorrows as I feel my own.
But thro' my Heart what thrilling Pleasures pour'd
When Nassau-Hall beheld your Health restor'd
The Gloom dispers'd that damp'd my Soul before
And fancy'd Woes tormented me no more;
And while your Verse to your Preserver pays
An humble Debt of tributary Praise,
(If e'er with Heart sincere my Thanks were giv'n
For the kind Favours of indulgent Heav'n)
With You, dear Maid, my gratefull Passions join
And most devoutly bless the Pow'r divine,
That with your Comfort reestablish'd mine.
But must your Absence soon renew my Pain,
And must I count the tedious Hours again?
I must — fair Philadelphia claims a Share
In your Accquaintance & demands you there.
Go then, Æmilia, since it must be so,
And Joys sincere on other Friends bestow;
May watchfull Angels guard you on your Way
May heav'nly Peace attend each smiling Day
Nor less the Night, sweet may your Slumbers be,
My lovely Friend & all your Dreams of me!
But soon, oh Soon relieve Palemon's Pain
And with your Presence bless his Eyes again.
My Friend when your last Favour came to View
A Favour thro' a tedious Fortnight past
So much expected & obtain'd at last.
Less the delicious Dainties of a Feast
Regale the Senses of the famish'd Guest
Cool Fountains less refresh the thirsty Swain
Fatigu'd with Labour on the sunny Plain
Not half so chearing is the solar Ray
To the harsh Rigour of a Winter's Day
Nor half so gratefull fanning Breezes rise
When the hot Dogstar fires the summer Skies.
Nor are Applauses only sweet from you,
Your very Chiding is delightfull too;
But think not I perversely love t' offend
Or sport with the Resentment of my Friend
I prize your Favour at a Rate too dear
Nor dare I brave a Loss I can not bear.
But with such gracefull Kindness you reprove
E'en your Rebukes inspire Delight & Love.
You chide Æmilia & Palemon sues
And pleads his Trespass as his best Excuse
This proves his heart sincere, his Love unfeign'd
If false his Friendship he had n'eer complain'd
O then forgive while you his Fault reprove
The Fruit's Suspicion but the Root is Love.
Or if your Sentiments are so refin'd
You can't excuse Suspicions so unkind
Yet oh forgive in Pity to a Heart
That dreads Neglect, unconscious of Desert
And fears to lose, what all its Cares beguiles,
The chearing Sunshine of Æmilia's Smiles.
Know'st thou how strong the Ties, dear Friend, that joyn
This heart suspicious as it is to thine? —
While you erewhile by gen'rous Motives led
Attended Lucia on her lonely Bed
Sooth'd her Distresses with officious Care
Nor shun'd to breathe in pestilential Air
(While I expected your Return in vain)
Each Week of Absence was a Month of Pain
And while you too with vital Pain oppress'd
Afflicted lay & Nature found no Rest
While pensive Thoughts with your Disease combin'd
And gloomy Cares sat heavy on your Mind
Believe me, Friend with sympathetic Heart
In your Distress I bore a tender Part
With friendly Care & Tenderness unknown
I felt your Sorrows as I feel my own.
But thro' my Heart what thrilling Pleasures pour'd
When Nassau-Hall beheld your Health restor'd
The Gloom dispers'd that damp'd my Soul before
And fancy'd Woes tormented me no more;
And while your Verse to your Preserver pays
An humble Debt of tributary Praise,
(If e'er with Heart sincere my Thanks were giv'n
For the kind Favours of indulgent Heav'n)
With You, dear Maid, my gratefull Passions join
And most devoutly bless the Pow'r divine,
That with your Comfort reestablish'd mine.
But must your Absence soon renew my Pain,
And must I count the tedious Hours again?
I must — fair Philadelphia claims a Share
In your Accquaintance & demands you there.
Go then, Æmilia, since it must be so,
And Joys sincere on other Friends bestow;
May watchfull Angels guard you on your Way
May heav'nly Peace attend each smiling Day
Nor less the Night, sweet may your Slumbers be,
My lovely Friend & all your Dreams of me!
But soon, oh Soon relieve Palemon's Pain
And with your Presence bless his Eyes again.
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