To Æmilia No 6

Oh heav'ns! & must the dear Amilia's Name
Be thus expos'd to Infamy & Shame?
Must the fair Virtue Heav'n itself inspires
Thus meet the Fate of Vice's lawless Fires?
Disgrace be caus'd where Reputation's due
And, oh confusion! by Palemon's too? —
Can you behold me, Friend without Disdain,
Me the unhappy Cause of all your Pain?
Can You endure a Wretch by cruel Fate
Set up a Mark to Oblequy & Hate
Whose dang'rous Friendship makes you num'rous Foes
And thus involves you Partner in his Woes?
Yes, dear Amilia, you can ne'er controul
The kind the gen'rous Temper of your Soul
I know you still your poor Palemon view
With friendly Candor & Compassion too;
But ah me! how can I beat the cruel Wrongs
For me you suffer from malicious Tongues?
The keen tormenting Thought how can I bear
That you shou'd buy a worthless Friend so dear
Of private Woe 'twere trifling to complain
Lost as it is in sympathetic Pain
Heav'n is my witness, with distress unknown
I feel your Sorrows & forget my own.
Ye Sons of Spite, who Scandal can't forbear
But breathe Detraction as the vital Air!
Ye false Aspersers! base malicious Crew
Who vile yourselves think all as vile as you
Ye more than Serpents in a fair Disguise
Ye genuine Offspring of the Sire of Lies!
Say, (if Reproaches must my Name pursue)
Why must Æmilia's be dishonour'd too?
Wretches desist, your vile Attempts forbear
Nor stab the Honour of the virtuous Fair
At me directed let your Malice be
Vent all your Venom spit your spite at me
I scorn the Tales your impious Hearts devise
Can face the Scandal & confound your Lies
Blot with Reproaches (if you must) my Name
But spare, I charge you, spare Æmilia's Fame.
Forgive, my Friend, the Wish which Fate severe
Excites reluctant in an heart sincere
While of my Life I take a sad Review
Oh had I ne'er known Na-ss- H-ll or You!
Then (tho' no Guilt my conscious Bosom pains)
Fair Peace had Rul'd where now Confusion reigns;
Then had your Name no foul Dishonour known
And your chaste Virtue still unblemish'd shone
Then had you shun'd an Evil worse than Death
The banefull Poison of malignant Breath.
But hold, Palemon, — inconsiderate Swain!
What hast thou said? recall thy Words again
Rash was thy Wish (& be thy Fault confest)
Form'd in the Tumults of thy troubled Breast
Art thou already then so senseless grown
And canst thou wish thy lovely Friend unknown? —
She knows the wild Disorder of thy Tho't
Pities thy Anguish & forgives thy Fau't;
But say, Palemon, (act an honest part)
Canst thou forgive thy own imprudent Heart?
No; I retract the Wish my heart upbraid
And own my Folly to the lovely Maid
I'll ratify the former part alone
Be N-ss-u H-ll & all its Joys unknown!
The Sight of that ungratefull Place I rue;
But thanks to Heav'n I e'er Æmilia knew.
Be N-ss-u H-ll forgot & all its Charms
But while the vital Flame my Bosom warms
I'll still remember the dear Virgin's Name
For me o'erwhelm'd with Infamy & Shame
And while against me spitefull Foes agree
And wound Æmilia while they aim at me
Improv'd aright by Friendship's noble art
Each keen reproach shall prove a pleasing Dart
To fix her Image firmer to my Heart.
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