1 Samuel 2 -

Part I.

G OD hath rais'd my head on high:
O my heart, enlarge thy joy!
God hath now my tongue untied,
To retort their scorn and pride.
In Thy grace I will rejoice;
Praise Thee, while I have a voice.
Who so holy as our Lord?
Who but He to be ador'd?
Who such wonders can effect?
Who so strongly can protect?
Be no longer arrogant,
Nor in folly proudly vaunt:
God our secret thoughts displays;
All our works His balance weighs.
Giants' bows His forces break;
He with strength invests the weak.
Who were full, now serve for bread;
Those who serv'd, enfranchised.
Barren wombs with children flow;
Fruitful mothers childless grow.

Part II.

God frail man of life deprives;
Those who sleep in death revives:
Leads us to our silent tombs;
Brings us from those horrid rooms:
Riches sends; sends poverty;
Casteth down, and lifts on high.
He from the despised dust,
From the dunghill, takes the just;
To the height of honour brings,
Plants them in the thrones of kings.
God earth's mighty pillars made;
He the world upon them laid.
He His servants' feet will guide;
Wicked souls, who swell with pride,
Will in endless darkness chain,
Since all human strength is vain.
He shall grind His enemies,
Blast with lightning from the skies:
Judge the habitable earth,
All of high and humble birth:
Shall with strength His King renown,
And His Christ with glory crown.
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