17. Benison
Great are the heights and great also are the deeps; the cohorts of witnesses are numberless; but beyond all is the place of benediction, and to this we look for the power and the glory also .
Thou Who dost bless us, Whom we bless, hereby
Before all men, I rise and testify
That by Thy grace alone I look to live;
That Thy dear gifts above the crowns of earth
Are precious and are mine by right of birth,
So here I freely take, as Thou dost give.
There is a certain confusion of thought concerning the Divine complacency in the dedication of our human love. Even in the spheres that we seek for, it is not entirely a question of complacency, but of the natural conjunction of things which from the beginning were meant for one another .
Thou Who dost bless us, Whom we bless, hereby
Before all men, I rise and testify
That by Thy grace alone I look to live;
That Thy dear gifts above the crowns of earth
Are precious and are mine by right of birth,
So here I freely take, as Thou dost give.
There is a certain confusion of thought concerning the Divine complacency in the dedication of our human love. Even in the spheres that we seek for, it is not entirely a question of complacency, but of the natural conjunction of things which from the beginning were meant for one another .
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