But at high noon they came to an ancient temple:
Even their soft footsteps sent echoes among the marble pillars …
Each chamber was a step rising toward the inmost sanctuary:
And shadow deepened room to room …

That temple stood white on an island:
The river splashed among the reeds around it,
The lizard basked on the rocks …

In the outer court the white sunlight dazzled,
But in the second court the light was mellow,
And in the third it was golden-grey,
And in the fourth it was like the light of a starry night.

In the fifth they paused so that the eye might see,
And in the innermost holy of holies they saw not for a great while,
But were enfolded in the primal dark.

Then, when they saw,
They beheld a kindly image of God, the Father,
Bearded, and wise of eyes, and with hand blessing.

And the leader murmured:
“This is the Silence of Silences,
And we are in the song of this Silence:
This is the Light in Darkness:
And we are in that Light:
This is the Peace that passeth understanding:
Open, heart, be lifted, soul, give all, give all;
Arise! shine! be glorified!”
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