1914—and After

Would you end war?
Create great Peace. . . .
. . . . . .

The Peace that demands all of a man,
His love, his life, his veriest self;
Plunge him into the smelting fires of a work that becomes his child,
. . . . . .

Give him a hard Peace; a Peace of discipline and justice. . . .
Kindle him with vision, invite him to joy and adventure:
Set him to work, not to create things
But to create man :
Yea, himself.

Go search your heart, America. . . .
Turn from the machine to man,
Build, while there is yet time, a creative Peace. . . .
While there is yet time! …
For if you reject great Peace,
As surely as vile living brings disease,
So surely will your selfishness bring war.
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