2. National Park Holiday
If you go into the woods
today you will be part of a task
force moving in line-formation.
You will allow that the plastic yellow
tape which cordons off select
areas does not imply a Sacred Grove.
If you go into the woods
today, disinterment, not picnics,
is the order of inquiry. The
Vegetable Kingdom remains thoroughly
documented and every species is
accounted for; some of whom are
human, or parts thereof.
today you will be part of a task
force moving in line-formation.
You will allow that the plastic yellow
tape which cordons off select
areas does not imply a Sacred Grove.
If you go into the woods
today, disinterment, not picnics,
is the order of inquiry. The
Vegetable Kingdom remains thoroughly
documented and every species is
accounted for; some of whom are
human, or parts thereof.
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