2 Samuel 7 -
Part I.
M Y Lord, my God, O who am I,
Or what is my poor family,
That Thou should'st crown,
With pow'r renown,
And raise my throne on high?
As this were little, in my place
Hast promis'd to confirm my race.
Do men, O Lord,
To men afford
Such, such transcendent grace?
Not to be hop'd for nor desir'd,
Not to be utter'd, but admir'd:
My thoughts to me,
Than they to Thee,
Less known when most retir'd.
These great things did'st Thou to fulfill
Thy word and never-changing will.
Into my sight
This knowing light
Thy wisdom's beams distill.
In goodness as in pow'r complete,
No God but Thee: O who so great?
All this of old
Our fathers told,
And often did repeat.
What nation breathes who can or dare
With thee, O Israel, compare?
For whom alone
God left His throne,
As His peculiar care.
To amplify His Name; to do
Such great, such fearful things for you;
Such wonders wrought;
From Egypt brought;
From men, from gods withdrew.
Establish'd by divine decree,
That Thou might be our God, and we
For evermore
Thy Name adore,
As consecrate to Thee.
Part II.
Now, Lord, effect what Thou hast said,
The promise to Thy servant made.
Confirm by deed
What to his seed
Thy word long since display'd.
Great God, O be Thou magnified,
Whose Hands the strife of war decide!
Let David's race
Before Thy Face
For ever fix'd abide.
Thou saidst (Who Israel dost protect)
I will My servant's house erect.
My thoughts indu'd
With gratitude
These pray'rs to Thee direct.
Thou, Lord, in goodness infinite!
Whose word and truth like twins unite.
Thy promise hath
Confirm'd my faith,
And fill'd me with delight.
Be then my house for ever bless'd,
Of Thy dear Presence still possess'd.
Thus hast Thou said,
This promise made:
O with Thy grace invest!
M Y Lord, my God, O who am I,
Or what is my poor family,
That Thou should'st crown,
With pow'r renown,
And raise my throne on high?
As this were little, in my place
Hast promis'd to confirm my race.
Do men, O Lord,
To men afford
Such, such transcendent grace?
Not to be hop'd for nor desir'd,
Not to be utter'd, but admir'd:
My thoughts to me,
Than they to Thee,
Less known when most retir'd.
These great things did'st Thou to fulfill
Thy word and never-changing will.
Into my sight
This knowing light
Thy wisdom's beams distill.
In goodness as in pow'r complete,
No God but Thee: O who so great?
All this of old
Our fathers told,
And often did repeat.
What nation breathes who can or dare
With thee, O Israel, compare?
For whom alone
God left His throne,
As His peculiar care.
To amplify His Name; to do
Such great, such fearful things for you;
Such wonders wrought;
From Egypt brought;
From men, from gods withdrew.
Establish'd by divine decree,
That Thou might be our God, and we
For evermore
Thy Name adore,
As consecrate to Thee.
Part II.
Now, Lord, effect what Thou hast said,
The promise to Thy servant made.
Confirm by deed
What to his seed
Thy word long since display'd.
Great God, O be Thou magnified,
Whose Hands the strife of war decide!
Let David's race
Before Thy Face
For ever fix'd abide.
Thou saidst (Who Israel dost protect)
I will My servant's house erect.
My thoughts indu'd
With gratitude
These pray'rs to Thee direct.
Thou, Lord, in goodness infinite!
Whose word and truth like twins unite.
Thy promise hath
Confirm'd my faith,
And fill'd me with delight.
Be then my house for ever bless'd,
Of Thy dear Presence still possess'd.
Thus hast Thou said,
This promise made:
O with Thy grace invest!
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