25 Christ a Perfect Pattern, & Compleat Saviour -

Christ a perfect pattern, & compleat saviour.

Without defect, a patern rare
Is Christ, with him none may compare
In him's noe guile
On him's no soyle.

Wouldst thou after this coppy write
of innocence so pure & white.
turn not aside
from this sweet guide.

Christ was lowly, humble, and meek,
His own glory, he did not seek
Oh learn of me
Saith he to thee.

He was revil'd but revil'd not
But did committ his cause to god
To thee this art
He will impart.

Wouldst thou learn true self deniell
Christ did himself, to Justise sell.
He left his throne
For men forlorn.

Hee that posesed, heaven wide
Laid his own glory, quite aside
For to impart
To thee his hart.

Hee came down here, & dy'd of love
To sett poor sinners, up above
In his own throne
Free from all moane.

Hee did despise this durty world
By it, out of it, he was hurl'd
Life he did stake
Down for our sake.

Hee went about, still doing good
For our poor soulls, he sought, he wood
He stood not still
But shew'd good will.

Hee turn'd all that he touch'd to gold
Whilest he did spiritually unfold
Hid misterys
Unto our eyes.

It was his meat, and drink to doe
His fathers will, which was to woo
Sinners from pelf
Unto himself.

The Just sufer'd for the unjust
The ofended, sought the offender first
Twas enimies
For whom he dys.

Whilst in the dark, his faith was strong
Calling god, father, along
When he drank up
The bitter cup.

T'was he, that hung upon the tree
From sin, & hell, to sett us free
Apon the Crosse
He purg'd our drose.

Hee did let out, his precyous bloud
That we might be wash'd in that floud
Here love did flow
On sinners low.

Hee rose then up, out of the grave
That we firm comfort, still might have
By Justise hee
Was set out free.

Hee rode in triumph, up on high
Whilst that his foes, under feet lye
Att gods right hand
Hee doth still stand.

For thee he stands, to intercede
Thy cause, in heavens court, to plead
Where hee prevails
And never fails.

Oh let me burn, in love to thee
For that which I behold, and see
thy Love will melt,
when seen, & felt.
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