26 The Soull Courting Death -
The soull courting death
When shall I bid thee welcome, death
unto this house of mine
When thou shalt take away my breath
I shall breath, more devine
I know not why, my hart should faill
when I shall see thy face
For why, although thou lookest pale
christs bloud, thee springled has
Thou art my freind, & canst not doe
me any reall harm
But break the wall, and let me through
into my saviours arm
Thou art to me, no enemy
Christ has took, out thy sting
And pousenous, malignity
thou art, no terours king
Though thou shouldst grip me ne're so hard
thou shalt let goe, thy hold
Thy kingdome, is now wholy mar'd
by Judays, Lion bold
I hope, I shall henceforth, through grace
Stand att the door, & look
To see if I can spy, thy face
to fecth me o're the brook
That thou art many ways my freind
oh death, will thus appear
Thou wilt to each sin, put an end
and let me to my deer
And only blessed saviour
my husband, & my head
My sweetest, intersesour
and constant, advocate
When thou oh death, these eyes shalt close
I then, shall see more clear
The beauty of that fairest rose
that grows, in heavens sphere
When I a lump of clay, shall ly
I then shall swiftly flee
To'th angelick, society
and saincts, from sin, sett free
when our comunion, mediate
by death shall have, an end
to, an open and unnailed state
by itt we shall ascend,
I can out of thee, nothing cull
that doth me terifie
I never shall be filled full
till thou lifes knot unty
When shall I bid thee welcome, death
unto this house of mine
When thou shalt take away my breath
I shall breath, more devine
I know not why, my hart should faill
when I shall see thy face
For why, although thou lookest pale
christs bloud, thee springled has
Thou art my freind, & canst not doe
me any reall harm
But break the wall, and let me through
into my saviours arm
Thou art to me, no enemy
Christ has took, out thy sting
And pousenous, malignity
thou art, no terours king
Though thou shouldst grip me ne're so hard
thou shalt let goe, thy hold
Thy kingdome, is now wholy mar'd
by Judays, Lion bold
I hope, I shall henceforth, through grace
Stand att the door, & look
To see if I can spy, thy face
to fecth me o're the brook
That thou art many ways my freind
oh death, will thus appear
Thou wilt to each sin, put an end
and let me to my deer
And only blessed saviour
my husband, & my head
My sweetest, intersesour
and constant, advocate
When thou oh death, these eyes shalt close
I then, shall see more clear
The beauty of that fairest rose
that grows, in heavens sphere
When I a lump of clay, shall ly
I then shall swiftly flee
To'th angelick, society
and saincts, from sin, sett free
when our comunion, mediate
by death shall have, an end
to, an open and unnailed state
by itt we shall ascend,
I can out of thee, nothing cull
that doth me terifie
I never shall be filled full
till thou lifes knot unty
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