35 Of Idlenese -
of Idlenese
If thou wilt not cutt thy self work
Be sure, the devill will,
About the Idle, he dos lurk
As fitt greist, for his mill.
Idlenese is the ready way
To fall into all sin
The devill he can soon betray
Our souls, when found therin.
Davids first sin, was idlenese
When slothfull on his bed
And then he acts, as mercylese
being by saten led.
Thy work is great, thy time is short
god will not for thee stay
Bee active then, I thee exhort
( " my soull") without delay.
The Idle soull, will never thrive
and grow apace, in grace
to thee Oh let me, be alive
and active, in my place.
The slothfull man, may gape to have
but those desires doe kill
Be diligent, and always crave
if thou wouldst have thy fill.
Redeem thy time, be circumspect
it is an evill day
Seek thou gods glory to erect,
whilst thou art in thy way.
Ther is no working in the grave
when thou shalt their ly down
Bee active, then if thou wilt have
a weighty, heavie, crown.
Oh let thy love, my soull soe fill
that I may active bee
Delighting still, to doe thy will
as strongly led by thee.
If thou wilt not cutt thy self work
Be sure, the devill will,
About the Idle, he dos lurk
As fitt greist, for his mill.
Idlenese is the ready way
To fall into all sin
The devill he can soon betray
Our souls, when found therin.
Davids first sin, was idlenese
When slothfull on his bed
And then he acts, as mercylese
being by saten led.
Thy work is great, thy time is short
god will not for thee stay
Bee active then, I thee exhort
( " my soull") without delay.
The Idle soull, will never thrive
and grow apace, in grace
to thee Oh let me, be alive
and active, in my place.
The slothfull man, may gape to have
but those desires doe kill
Be diligent, and always crave
if thou wouldst have thy fill.
Redeem thy time, be circumspect
it is an evill day
Seek thou gods glory to erect,
whilst thou art in thy way.
Ther is no working in the grave
when thou shalt their ly down
Bee active, then if thou wilt have
a weighty, heavie, crown.
Oh let thy love, my soull soe fill
that I may active bee
Delighting still, to doe thy will
as strongly led by thee.
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