Bvt mad, or desprate Muse, what meanst thou thus
To touch this Couloring with this hard Touch
Sith that thou knowst some, somwhat vertuous
Do vse to Colour somwhat more then much?
Some, good, as great (but neither great, nor good:
For, Greatnesse scornes hir goodnesse so to blot)
Do make their bloud dissemble with their bloud:
Which (for a Colour) seems what it is not.
Still worse, worse, ceasse, ceasse foole-hardy Muse,
Thou art too biter so such Sweets to grieue:
Thinkst thou that those which thou dost so abuse,
Will euer grace thee, much lesse thee relieue?
But, o did all as thou dost, they should rest
Rewards vnto themselues, and please the best.
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