4. Wherein She Witnesseth that Most Dolorous Crucifixion of Our Lord, and Heareth Him Pray for His Enemies -

High on the bleak Golgotha Hill
There came the ending of his way,
While Mary, sorrowing, stood apart
To watch, and weep, and pray.

She saw them nail him to the tree,
And raise his bruised body high,
And gather round with oaths and Jests —
For Jesus Christ to die!

No moan made he, nor sound, until
Toward heaven they saw him turn his eyes,
And, with a voice that thrilled with love,
Pray for his enemies.

She Heard him give with strength forespent
His promise to the dying thief —
And her poor heart was like to burst
In pity and in grief.

She heard his groan of anguish, when
With his last feeble breath, he cried
To God, his Father, and then bowed
His weary head and died!

Lo, then the heavenly thunders rolled.
Night cloaked the sun with sable wing,
And when men saw what there befell,
They crept home, shuddering!
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