40 Desires -
The neerer I, aproach to thee
The swifter let my motion bee.
As I draw neer, unto my end
Lett grace more mightily descend
As I draw neer eternity
A clearer light, lett, me espy.
When I come, within glorys veiw
Oh let thy grace, my strength renew.
When on a death bed I shall ly
Give strength, and suport, from on high
Let beames of glory, on me dart
For to refresh, and chear my hart.
Throw in devine manefestations
Of love, and glory, and salvation.
Let me by faith, behold, and see
The arms of love strectht out to me.
That I with joy may welcome death
Smelling its Christ perfumed breath.
Oh let me render, death lovely
Unto the eyes, of standers by
That whilst, I, in thy praises soare
Others may sweetly thee adore.
Let me such sweetnese leave behind
That they, thy love, may bear in mind.
And may have cause from what they see
To blese thee to eternity.
Oh let me soe thy praises sing
That I may heavens work begin.
Thy lovly face, doe thou unveill
That I to thee, with joy, may sayl
Let an abundant entrance be
Administred then unto me.
That soe my soull, may sweetly spring
To its redeemer, and its king.
Whilst angels doe my soull convay
With joy, and triumph, in its way.
Untill they bring it, safe to thee
Whom it desires, and longs, to see
The neerer I, aproach to thee
The swifter let my motion bee.
As I draw neer, unto my end
Lett grace more mightily descend
As I draw neer eternity
A clearer light, lett, me espy.
When I come, within glorys veiw
Oh let thy grace, my strength renew.
When on a death bed I shall ly
Give strength, and suport, from on high
Let beames of glory, on me dart
For to refresh, and chear my hart.
Throw in devine manefestations
Of love, and glory, and salvation.
Let me by faith, behold, and see
The arms of love strectht out to me.
That I with joy may welcome death
Smelling its Christ perfumed breath.
Oh let me render, death lovely
Unto the eyes, of standers by
That whilst, I, in thy praises soare
Others may sweetly thee adore.
Let me such sweetnese leave behind
That they, thy love, may bear in mind.
And may have cause from what they see
To blese thee to eternity.
Oh let me soe thy praises sing
That I may heavens work begin.
Thy lovly face, doe thou unveill
That I to thee, with joy, may sayl
Let an abundant entrance be
Administred then unto me.
That soe my soull, may sweetly spring
To its redeemer, and its king.
Whilst angels doe my soull convay
With joy, and triumph, in its way.
Untill they bring it, safe to thee
Whom it desires, and longs, to see
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