42 The Soull Looking att, and Longing for an Eternal Saboath. Sep 8 72 -

The soull looking att, and longing for an eternall saboath. sep 8 72

When shall that blessed, saboath morning dawn
That saboath of eternall rest, upon
My soull, that it might sweetly once begin
Thy love, and praise, eternally to sing
That blessed saboath which shall know no night
The Sun of righteousnese, shall be itts light
No sleeping, dresing, eating, in it shall
Steall out a part, away from god, but all
Of it, shall be employ'd to sing his praise
Whillst we sit under his delighting rays
No Luring bait of sin, and vanity
Shall from a deity, draw off our eye
In it no deviating thought shall be
Once to estrange, or steall, the hart from thee
The body shall not be. a clog again
Unto the soull, to keep it down, when fain
It would upon the wing, sweetly ascend
But it shall freely, to its motions bend
Our hope, into enjoyment shall be led
Our faith, into fruition swalowed
Our pray'rs, shall into halalujahs, turn
Our harps of praise, shall never out be. worn
The church, that we shall Joyne with, in that day
Shall have no spot, no blemish, no decay.
No Jaring discord in our musick then
For want of love, but all shall say Amen
No diference in Judgment shall appear
For all things then, shall unto us, be clear
When I from this church. militent shall soar
I then shall Joyne, with that triumphant chore
Oh that I might but know. I quikly shall
gett to that vision, beautificall
In that eternall, sweet, saboath of rest
Where I shall in thy bosome make my nest
Looking down on this world of vanity
As one, that is set on a mountain high
Looks on the ship, that brought him safe to land
Liing, all broke, to shivers, on the sand
Rejoycing in this, that he is got safe
Out of the reach, of any bousterous wave
No depths of greif, shall swalow me again
But I shall ever with thee, live, and reign
Uninterupted communion, with thee
I shall enjoy, when I this day shall see
The world, and cretures, shall not call me off
From the enjoyment of him, whom I love.
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