47 Experience -
How sweetly dost thou melt my hart
Sometimes, when I can say
My father, and my god thou art
leading mee, in my way
This comfort, I would not exchange
for earthly diadems
here I could sweetly all day range
among these pleasent stems.
Biding defience to the world
scorning itt as my lot
Longing out of itt, to be hurl'd
To be with thee, my god.
How gladly, could I take my leave
of earthly vanity
And to the crys, of freinds, be deaf
leaving them, chearfully.
To goe to him, who has my hart,
And my affections,
Thou hast gain'd them, by holy art,
to thee, my all belongs.
To be endeed, espous'd to Christ
is true nobilyty
Makeing the soull, with sayls up hoyst
hast, to eternity.
To be an heir adopt: of glory
and joynt heir, with thy son,
Makes us to love, thy memory
and after thee, to run.
Of sin, and absence, I am weary
to be with thee is best
Out of this vain worlds, noyse, and hury
my soull would be att rest.
My afections they'r ar gone before
what have I then left here
My best goods, ar laid up in store
with thee, my god, most dear
Those that aspire, unto a crown
and for a kingdome, wait
Cannot contentedly, stoop down
unto a servile state.
How easily, could I then wink.
This world, of vanity,
to nothing when my faih. doth linke
my soull to god most high
How sweetly dost thou melt my hart
Sometimes, when I can say
My father, and my god thou art
leading mee, in my way
This comfort, I would not exchange
for earthly diadems
here I could sweetly all day range
among these pleasent stems.
Biding defience to the world
scorning itt as my lot
Longing out of itt, to be hurl'd
To be with thee, my god.
How gladly, could I take my leave
of earthly vanity
And to the crys, of freinds, be deaf
leaving them, chearfully.
To goe to him, who has my hart,
And my affections,
Thou hast gain'd them, by holy art,
to thee, my all belongs.
To be endeed, espous'd to Christ
is true nobilyty
Makeing the soull, with sayls up hoyst
hast, to eternity.
To be an heir adopt: of glory
and joynt heir, with thy son,
Makes us to love, thy memory
and after thee, to run.
Of sin, and absence, I am weary
to be with thee is best
Out of this vain worlds, noyse, and hury
my soull would be att rest.
My afections they'r ar gone before
what have I then left here
My best goods, ar laid up in store
with thee, my god, most dear
Those that aspire, unto a crown
and for a kingdome, wait
Cannot contentedly, stoop down
unto a servile state.
How easily, could I then wink.
This world, of vanity,
to nothing when my faih. doth linke
my soull to god most high
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