57 The Souls Strength Only in God -

The sweet benefitts, that flow from union with Christ. sep 22 72

From union, with our deerest head, & king
Most sweet comunion doth unto us, spring
By union tis, we doe atam to this
Still to pertake with Christ, of what is his
The soull, and body, of a true, sincere
Beleiver, now is Christs, by indenture
And tearms, of firm, agreement which we make
When we do him, as Lord, and Saviour, take
And ar by pow'r, and vertue of the godhead
Unto his humane nature united
This blessed union, it is misticall
Tis constant, firm, & alsoe mutuall
Christ gives himself, wholy unto the soull
The soull again, gives ittself, to him whole
It is an union neer, and intimate
An union, which hels, rage, cant separate
By this it is we do pertake of grace
And glory, also, when we have run our race
By this our dust, doth to him, firmly cleave
Whilst in the grave, we doe the body leave
By this, we shall att last be quikened
And raysed up, & Joyn'd, unto our head
This is so great, & deep, a mistery
As cant be fathomed, by carnell eye
Tis like to the new name, and the white stone
Which can be read, & understood by none
By he that has it, given unto him
And reads it, by the spirits light, not dim
The saints themselfs, they cannot come to spell
This blessed mistery, fully till they dwell
By pow'r, & vertue, of it, up above
Where all their ignorance, shall quite remove
Oh who can chouse, but long to look, & pry
Into this blessed, glor'our, mistery
This mistery, so full of love, & grace
Shown, unto Adams, lost, and sinfull race
That thou shoudst cull out, such a worthlese bride
For ever with thee, to live, & abide
And fix thy tender love, thine hart, & eye
Upon such blacknese, & deformity.
What praises then, can we render to thee
Unto, the ages, of eternity.

The sweet benefitts, that flow from union with Christ. sep 22 72

From union, with our deerest head, & king
Most sweet comunion doth unto us, spring
By union tis, we doe atam to this
Still to pertake with Christ, of what is his
The soull, and body, of a true, sincere
Beleiver, now is Christs, by indenture
And tearms, of firm, agreement which we make
When we do him, as Lord, and Saviour, take
And ar by pow'r, and vertue of the godhead
Unto his humane nature united
This blessed union, it is misticall
Tis constant, firm, & alsoe mutuall
Christ gives himself, wholy unto the soull
The soull again, gives ittself, to him whole
It is an union neer, and intimate
An union, which hels, rage, cant separate
By this it is we do pertake of grace
And glory, also, when we have run our race
By this our dust, doth to him, firmly cleave
Whilst in the grave, we doe the body leave
By this, we shall att last be quikened
And raysed up, & Joyn'd, unto our head
This is so great, & deep, a mistery
As cant be fathomed, by carnell eye
Tis like to the new name, and the white stone
Which can be read, & understood by none
By he that has it, given unto him
And reads it, by the spirits light, not dim
The saints themselfs, they cannot come to spell
This blessed mistery, fully till they dwell
By pow'r, & vertue, of it, up above
Where all their ignorance, shall quite remove
Oh who can chouse, but long to look, & pry
Into this blessed, glor'our, mistery
This mistery, so full of love, & grace
Shown, unto Adams, lost, and sinfull race
That thou shoudst cull out, such a worthlese bride
For ever with thee, to live, & abide
And fix thy tender love, thine hart, & eye
Upon such blacknese, & deformity.
What praises then, can we render to thee
Unto, the ages, of eternity.
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