6 From Dark, and Cloudy Providences, upon the Church, & People of God. June 25 72 -

From dark, and cloudy providences, upon the church, & people of god. June 25 72

Shall wee, our father angry see
And shall we, unconcerned bee
Oh shall we not, be sore afraid
When we doe see, the rod is laid
On others, whilst we ar as much,
Or rather more, in fault then such
Who have already smarted by
The hand of him, who dwells, on high
Whilst we doe know our selfs as deep
In giult, shall we not att thy feet
Throw our selfs down, and lye prostrate
Untill thou shalt comiserate
And take away, the guilt of sin
In which we have walowed in
How should we wrastle, with thee now
By faith, and pray'r, least thou shouldst vow
The vialls of thy wrath, to poure
And all thy Judgments, on us showr
What arguments should we now use
That thou mayst not our pray'rs refuse
Wee can out of our selfs draw none
But what we fecth from thee alone.
And from the glory of thy name
Which wicked men doe now profane
Oh wilt thou on, the wicked shine
whilst thou dost seem, to cast of thine
Thou smilst upon their eterprise
And wilt not hear thy peoples crys
Oh wilt thou favour their design
Whilst they against thee, doe combine
And plot how they may doe their best
For to destroy, thine interest
And from the earth cut off the race
Of thosse that love, and seek thy face
We don't deserve that thou shoudst hear
Or to our crys, shouldst bend thine ear
Yet (Lord) thy people ar thine own
And here, thou hast set up thy throne
They ar the deer bought price of bloud
And shall thy foes, that swelling floud
Arise, and sweep, them all away
Let this not be, we humbly pray
Least thy great name poluted be
Among the heathen, when they see
Thou sufferst them their wills to have
And say t'was cause thou couldst not save
Wher ar thosse former victorys
We have had o're our enemies.
Wher is that spirit, of faith, and pray'r
That it is now, become soe rare
Among thy people, to be found
Which then did to, thy praise redound
Wilt thou not pour it forth again?
And gloriously amongst us reign
Thoult surely make thy pow'r to shine
In the deliverence of thine
In thy due time. thou wilt arise
And sudenly, thy foes surprise
They shall be taken. in the net
Which for thy people they have set
Thou wilt exalt thy Christ alone
And he shall be, set on the throne
And then thy people shall rejoyce
And praise thy name, with chearfull voice
Delighting the high acts, to sing
Of ther victorious, crowned king
Oh hasten Lord, this blessed day
And succour thine without delay
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