68. To a Lady who Apes Foreign Fashions -
You were not born in Paris nor yet Armentieres,
And you live in a flat near Park Lane, it appears.
Your father I know was a native of Thame,
And your simple old mother from Somerset came;
Yet though you're as English as honest Queen Bess,
As " cheri" and " mon chou" all your men you address.
A couch is the place for such phrases as these,
When a maiden is anxious her lover to please.
Perhaps you would learn like our matrons to speak,
And ways of allurement to win lovers seek?
Well, though you may practise the tricks of Paree,
You will never a Madame de Pompadour be.
And you live in a flat near Park Lane, it appears.
Your father I know was a native of Thame,
And your simple old mother from Somerset came;
Yet though you're as English as honest Queen Bess,
As " cheri" and " mon chou" all your men you address.
A couch is the place for such phrases as these,
When a maiden is anxious her lover to please.
Perhaps you would learn like our matrons to speak,
And ways of allurement to win lovers seek?
Well, though you may practise the tricks of Paree,
You will never a Madame de Pompadour be.
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