86 The Soull Viewing Christ in His Humiliation, Rejoyces att & Longs for a Sight of His Now Glorious Exaltation, & His Second Apearance -

The soull veiwing Christ in his humiliation, rejoyces att & longs for a sight of his now glorious exaltation, & his second apearence.

Come now my soull, behold thy king.
both in his low estate
And then by faith, to heaven spring
and veiw his glory great.

Thou seest him born of parents poor
and in a manger laid
This world will scarce open its door
to him that all things made.

When thou shalt see him come again
atendants he will bring
The saints, shall be his blessed traine
and angels on the wing.

His visage here, was marred more
then the sons of men. — yet
Thou'lt see heaven, and earth adore
when on the throne hees sett.

His beauty shall be as the sun
whose reflect beams shall dart
To warm, refresh, and overrun
Thy soull, & ev'ry part.

Thou seest him in the garden now
sweating great drops of bloud.
The weight of sin, did make him bow
gods wrath, came as a floud.

Thou'lt see, him shortly triumphing
as having paid the dept
And fully satisfi'd for sin
b'ing o're all as head.

Thou seest him now, at pilats bar
acus'd by enemies
Thou shalt see him exalted far
above the earth, and skys.

Thou seest him crown'd with thornes, & led
unto the high preists hall
And ther unjustly condemned
and flouted att, by all.

Thou'lt see him next with glory clad
Sitting in majesty
His glory shall thy hart, make glad
and still delight thine eye.

Thou seest him now, my soull by faith
upon mount Calvary
Crucified and in the height
of soull perplexety.

Thou'lt shortly see him, set upon
the top of Zion hill
Mounted as king upon his throne
his foes, to crush, and kill.

With sound of trumpet he will come
to Judg both quik, and dead
To fecth his own unto his home
and to ther dearest head.

Oh hasten Lord, this blessed day
the joy of ev'ry saint
When thou, shalt fully bear the sway
and we with thee, shall haunt.
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