88 Romans 8 28 v July 4 -

Romans 8 28 v July 4

All things, togather, work for good
To them, that doe unfeinedly
Love god, and are redeem'd by bloud
And called from eternity
in'th cecreet purpose of
his rich, free grace, and love.

Oh what a well of water's hear
A well of life, I may stile itt
The spring it is, both pure, and clear
And we att it, may freely sitt
tis full unto the brink
yet only faith can drink.

All things shall work. if all then sin
The worst of evills, worse then hell
An antidote from it, thou'lt bring
It self, in time, for to expell
And work out, by degrees
Its cursed dregs, and lees.

All things shall work for good, if soe
then triells, and afliction
Shall make our graces, thrive, and grow
Though here, they may, make us look wan
Thou'lt by them purifie
And then, thou'lt throw them by.

All things shall work for good, to thine
Temptations, and Satens rage
Whilst he against them, doth combine
Thou wilt for them, thy power engage
to keep them from a fall
and doe them good, by all.

Desertions, and thy very frown
Shall bring much good, to thine elect
Whilst they doe humble, and cast down
Thou wilt therby in them erect
a greater value of
thy favour, face, and love.

Thosse evills, that cant be withstood
And providences, most adverse
Shall unto thine, work out much good
Whilst in the world, they doe commerse
by thesse, thoult throughly weane
ther harts, from things, terene.

Each disapountment, that they meet
With in their weary, pilgrimage
Shall make their Joyrneys end more sweet
And their affections disengage
from earthly. vanitys
and all sublunarys.

That soull, that has itts interest clear
In this one promise, and can plead
It out with god, what need he fear
His unbeleife, that may impead
But can be break, through that
each foe shall fall down flatt.
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