99 Somthing — Soull would Know the Meaning of but Cant Yet Resovlvs, through Grace, to Go On July 21 73 -
Somthing — soull would know the meaning of but cant yet resovlvs, through grace, to go on July 21 73
What is the reason (Lord) that I
In duty, cant, that comfort spy
That doth me fill, or satisfie.
Though thou somtimes, my evedence
for glory, when I goe from hence
Dost clear, no comfort, springs from thence.
When I unto those, dutys goe
In which to others, comforts flow
My fears, and sorrows, they doe grow.
And great disatisfaction
Because I cannot feast upon
A clear sight, of my only one.
I'me full of reslesnese, & pain
Because I cant, to that atain
Att which desires, doe strongly, aym.
Somthing I'de have, I cant tell what
But till unto itt, I am got
Sorrow, and greife, must, be my lot.
I think if thesse desires, did spring
Purely from thee, that then the thing
I long for, should be given in.
If Saten may be Judg he saith
It is for want of saving faith
and crys out, hipocrite in'th height.
But hee's a lier, that I know
For if t'were so, he would not throw
His darts, and soe enraged grow.
I am resovlv'd, through grace, I will
Ne're leave thee, till thou shalt me fill
And if not here, on Sion hill.
What is the reason (Lord) that I
In duty, cant, that comfort spy
That doth me fill, or satisfie.
Though thou somtimes, my evedence
for glory, when I goe from hence
Dost clear, no comfort, springs from thence.
When I unto those, dutys goe
In which to others, comforts flow
My fears, and sorrows, they doe grow.
And great disatisfaction
Because I cannot feast upon
A clear sight, of my only one.
I'me full of reslesnese, & pain
Because I cant, to that atain
Att which desires, doe strongly, aym.
Somthing I'de have, I cant tell what
But till unto itt, I am got
Sorrow, and greife, must, be my lot.
I think if thesse desires, did spring
Purely from thee, that then the thing
I long for, should be given in.
If Saten may be Judg he saith
It is for want of saving faith
and crys out, hipocrite in'th height.
But hee's a lier, that I know
For if t'were so, he would not throw
His darts, and soe enraged grow.
I am resovlv'd, through grace, I will
Ne're leave thee, till thou shalt me fill
And if not here, on Sion hill.
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